Crystal Healing
Precious stones and crystals have been used for healing purposes for thousands of years. Gemstones naturally stand out because of their beauty, their rarity, their colours. Royalty and Religion were the areas where gemstones were traditionally employed. For a long time in human history, religion, science and healing practices overlapped. We now know that crystals do have certain peculiar physical properties, due to their specific molecular structure; we also know that every element in nature has a specific magnetic field and a frequency. Intuitively, we understand that rose quartz, for example, has a calming quality or that amethyst helps with meditation or that red ruby has an exciting quality about it. Ancient medical Indian texts describe how to use these gemstones to heal specific physical ailments.
How are Crystals used in Homeopathy?
Very simply put, homeopathic remedies are highly diluted substances that go through a process of dynamisation. This process increases the healing properties of the original substance and amplifies its power. For example: St. John's Wort is a herbal supplement used as mild anti-depressant. The homeopathic form of this herb (called Hypericum) helps with a much wider range of symptoms, both physical and emotional. We can observe the same result with crystals: a piece of rose quartz worn as a pendant or a bigger piece of raw rose quartz on your desk, can help against stress and to strengthen personal boundaries. Homeopathic Rose Quartz, however, is one of the remedies I have used for symptoms of chronic fatigue or ME (when the individual's symptoms fit this remedy picture).
How do you make Homeopathic Remedies from Gemstones?
The easiest method is by water immersion. This is something anyone can do, provided you have a genuine, raw, untreated stone available and the size is not important. It is worth noting that most crystals on the market are chemically enhanced or heated, to enhance the colour or even change the colour altogether and there are also a lot of fakes around. Once you have your stone, you can place it in a glass container, covered with distilled water and leave it to the sun and moon light for 24 or 48 hours. After that, the water can be decanted in a dropper bottle, with a 20% of alcohol as preservative and that is your crystal essence or mother tincture. This water will have some of the healing qualities of the gemstone, however, it is not a homeopathic remedy yet. The process of repeated dilution and dynamisation is very long and tedious; thank goodness for homeopathic pharmacies that can do the job and turn the water essence into the familiar "sugar pills" in different potencies.
Examples of Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies
One of my favourite gemstone remedies is Amethyst. Years ago, I noticed how much calmer I was whenever I was wearing my amethyst ring in times of stress. In homeopathic form, this remedy can help with liver detox, anger issues, depression. The ancient Greek gave the name A-methystos, which literally means "non-toxic", and it was one of the remedies given for hangover and as liver cleanse. Another well known homeopathic remedy is Adamas, which is the Greek name for "diamond". Adamas means "unbreakable", as diamond is the hardest stone and can only be cut by another diamond. This is a remedy used for deep, clinical depression. On the other end of the spectrum, Citrine Quartz remedy is like a "happy pill", making people more "chilled" and "go with the flow".
New Gemstone Remedies Coming Up
New gemstone remedies are being tested all the time: in the past couple of years I have organised group-testing of new remedies like Tanzanite, Red Scottish Jasper and Mica. Testing a new remedy shows the properties of the remedy and how it could potentially be used. The next one is Pollucite, so stay tuned!
Giovanna Franklin is an international homeopath, teacher, author and mother of a complex child based in Glasgow. To learn more, read her book, 'Gifts from the Earth'.